Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Faxing To China From Uk The Cat And Dog Fur Trade, Please Help Them !?

The cat and dog fur trade, Please help them !? - faxing to china from uk

Do you know that your purchase and dog and cat fur is used in layers, filled linings for boots and gloves, toys and even homeopathic aids for arthritis.
Help with this trade for the sick and ill end the petition at this link:
http://www.heathermillsmccartney.com/pet ...

It can also help you write a letter
The Chinese Ambassador Calls on China to adopt a law on animal welfare, the cruel treatment of dogs, cats and other animals at markets and bus stops during transport:

Mr. Zha Peixin
Embassy of the Republic of China
49-51 Portland Place
London W1B 1JL
020 7299 4024
020 7637 0399 (fax)
Thu links below for disturbing images and video, be warned,,,

http://www.peta.org.uk/feat/dogcatfurUK. ...

http://www.51veg.cn/Article/xinwen/20060 ...

http://www.heathermillsmccartney.com/dog ...
http://justnicephotos.homestead.com/DogA ...


Charvi said...

Hello, I think it's great to have drawn attention to this problem and I have signed the petition. I also agree with the money, but such an effort should be appreciated and not of hypocrisy. Are you sure the skin is used only for the product of the food industry? It seems to cite any sources. The prohibition of leather is, I am completely, but also at home, I was not able to convert someone into a pure vegetarian, and they can not be persuaded to abandon Mechandise leather. They are too stubborn when it comes to these issues. But all this can be done in stages. Step number one, the prohibition of trade in dog and cat fur. Step number two, the ban on leather. Third step ...

shaz said...

I'm already ... Thank you anyway x

shaz said...

I'm already ... Thank you anyway x

richard_... said...

Just to sign it.

richard_... said...

Just to sign it.

Deb S said...

I signed and took the site for all directions and can log on and write a letter. Good for you to put that on the page of questions and answers, it is something that everyone should be aware of. An animal to person, I'm for this kind of thing .... Login

princess... said...

Well, I signed: D

aresee said...

Good on you for posting this. Animals need our help. That's not good to ignore, because if we do nothing, we are as bad as all the people who torture and murder. I hope you feel that all members of the WSPA - World Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

treemead... said...


It is absolutely terrible, but that we remain faithful to focus on animal welfare, they should not eat any animals in any way.
Consider this: We can see how unjust and cruel (SE), as the animals are harvested in China. Similarly, pigs and cattle are cruelly treated badly by the industry in our country. Animal welfare is a global problem!

If you kill in order to eat or animals in any way, to put it on your own! If not, you have no right!

The consumption of animals will continue, but at least we can ensure that the process of slaughter is more humane.

I am a vegetarian, but if others can not be here, then at least be prepared to face the cruelty that support this:

Do a search on Youtube for "Earthlings Shaun Monson" It's a fantastic show with all the documents in detail what exactly happens in the lives of these animals produced for slaughter, be it through their skin or food (research or entertainment, and society)

The scene with tHolding the raccoon dog for Inert his head ... or the scene with the skin of the mother seal sits sadly beside the body of her child and broke the skin.

We can help by boycotting the Olympics as well: check out my question in the context of politics.

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